Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Pinky's Fandance - Larry Miller

Back in 1994 I met Larry Miller at a Dodgers came he attended with Jerry Seinfeld. I was so excited to see them (as I never saw celebs back then), that I not only talked to them, but I ended up getting both of them to sign napkins for me. Not wanting to miss the opportunity, I went and bought a disposable camera from the souvenir stand and went back to get pictures with both. Sadly, the crappy disposable camera I'd bought somehow destroyed the pictures and when I went to develop them, the pictures were pitch black. Boo! 
Although I was super bummed, I never forgot how incredibly nice Larry Miller was to me that day and I've wanted to see him again ever since. The other night I finally had my chance! When I told Larry the story, he was so sweet. Such a great guy!

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