Obscure Wedding Pictures

 I liked the fact that not a single person is in any of these. They're just so random. 
Oops, I lied. There are people in the background of this last one, but they're blurry, so, obviously that doesn't count, right?

Pinky's Fandance - Jim O'Heir

Jim O'Heir is one of the nicest celebs around. I've been lucky to meet him several times over the years and every time it's like seeing an old friend.
Of course, I love that he's on one of my fave shows, as well, Parks & Rec. He's awesome on that show! Great guy. Very down to earth.

Date Night To See Demetri

As I mentioned yesterday in Pinky's Fandance, Keith and I went on a hot date the other night to see Demetri Martin perform at the Largo.
Since my camera is still on the fritz, here we are trying to test it out and make sure it's actually taking pictures.
I found these fun Demetri pics while researching stuff for my article on Mike The Fanboy.
I just love Demetri so much!
He's got such a dry and hysterical delivery.
I love when he uses props.
If you ever get a chance to see him, I highly recommend it!

Celebrity Wrap Up - Sunday Edition

Hello and welcome to Sunday's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.
This will work well when she goes to her next job as a chamber maid.
I love how the sunlight seems to love Gerard as much as we all do. Swoon.
Honey, NO. You're not even showing. Do NOT be one of those ridiculous pregnant women who pose like that incessantly for nine months. We barely know who you are as it is.
Holy mother of a pimp. Did Adrien Brody change his line of work?
Sweetie, I know you're excited for awards season, but I'm about one picture away from never wanting to see you again. You're WAY to overexposed right now. Please make a note of it.

Unique Photo Bags

Keith and I were thrilled to attend a Golden Globes Gifting Suite last month. It was filled with really interesting and different booths and we got some really great stuff. 
One of my favorite things just arrived in the mail yesterday (as it had to be special ordered and customized for us) - isn't it amazing?!?
The company is called Unique Photo Bags and you can check out their products at www.uniquephotobags.com. They're really easy to work with and their finished product surpassed by expectations! Thank you, Unique Photo Bags!

Pinky's Fandance Redux - Demetri Martin

You may recall my previous tragedy in trying to get a picture with Demetri Martin - although technically it's a picture we're both in, it could, obviously, be A LOT better.
Still, I was stoked to get it, as I've long been a huge fan of Demetri's work.
Last night Keith and I went to Demetri's show and he was so awesome after the show! Even in the rain he was the coolest guy ever! LOVE it!

Rent This: Nebraska

When I first saw the ads for Nebraska, I didn't really think it looked all that interesting. The story seemed slow, I wasn't sure about the black and white, and it kind of looked boring.
Truth be told, the story is slow. Extremely slow. But the pace actually kind of fits the whole thing nicely. And the black and white turned out to be a perfect choice.
Bruce Dern is great in this - here's pretty much how he looks the entire film.
June Squibb is my new favorite person. She's so fun and sarcastic! My fave things.
Will Forte does a great job playing their son in the film. I really enjoyed him in this role.
Still, June had the best line of the movie when she told all the family vultures off.
If you get a chance to rent it, check out the sweet little film, Nebraska. It's available at Redbox now.

Celebrity Wrap Up - Saturday Edition

Hello and welcome to Saturday's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.
Elisabeth Rohm is this year's Missy Pyle or Penelope Ann Miller - i.e. someone who had a teeny role in an Oscar-nominated movie and will now be out at every single opening of an envelope all over town. Not knocking it; I'd probably be the same way!
I actually like that red dress on Vera, although I question the color orange being selected anytime - especially by girls who look too much like Christina Ricci.
Now Ben is enjoying some jaunty little socks there!
Bill always looks like he wandered in from living under a bridge or something.
Sexy man with a dog = YUM.