Thursday, December 5, 2013

Things My Husband Says To Me

Now, as we all know, Keith and I are enjoying being newlyweds and seem to be adapting to married life rather well. You're probably thinking this is going to be a post wherein I sing his praises and tell you all about the sweet, tender things he says to me each day. Nope.
Let me preface this by saying that I adore my husband and I know he means well. HOWEVER. Sometimes....well, let's just say that his best intentions can be a bit misconstrued.
Case in point: The other day I asked him how I looked. His reply? "You look great, but your hair is a tragedy."
A few days later he was "trying to help" by reaching over and brushing something off my face. His explanation? "I was just getting the food out of your mustache." (PRO TIP: NEVER tell your wife she has a mustache. EVEN IF SHE DOES).
A few days later I asked him if I should change my hair. He said, "Well, you might want to rethink your roots in a couple of weeks."

Finally, yesterday, he told me that I looked cute, but I dress like Minnie Mouse. UM.....I'm not even sure how to respond to that! :)

Love you, baby!

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