Thursday, December 5, 2013

See This: August: Osage County

There are very few things that enrich and fulfill me like seeing a good film. There's just something about seeing a piece of work on film that makes me happy. While I don't see quite as many movies as I used to, I've been really lucky this week to have seen two GREAT films. The first one, Frozen, I told you about the other day and last night we saw a sneak peek of August: Osage County. WOW. WOW. WOW.
Of course, right off the bat, just by the cast alone you know it's going to be a spectacle to behold. Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, Ewan MacGregor, Chris Cooper, Sam Shepard. I mean, come on. How could anyone go wrong there?
But the real beauty is in the story; the rich, complicated, and, frankly, a bit disturbing story about a family at a crossroads. Meryl Streep is probably the best she's ever been in this role. I cannot stop thinking about her performance and just how incredible everything was.
August: Osage County is comprised of an all-star cast made even better by the moving story. I had no idea this had begun as an award winning play and am dying to know how it all came to be. Did it really happen? Was it something someone imagined? What happened to these characters? How does it end?

The film will be out in theaters on Christmas Day. I strongly recommend checking it out. Go, Meryl!

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