Monday, December 2, 2013

Christmas Cards? Check!

Probably about ten years ago I started sending out fun Christmas cards wherein I incorporated my fave celebrities into my card and tried to come up with a witty saying. I was so excited by my cards and always wanted to be the "very first" card everyone received, so I began sending out cards the day before Thanksgiving (so that they'd be sure to arrive by the day after Thanksgiving or shortly thereafter).
This year I wasn't quite sure I'd pull it off - between the honeymoon, the wedding, and trying to get all the thank you notes done. The solution? Send the thank you cards with the Christmas cards...of course, it was still a challenge...actually it was an even bigger challenge, but I was THAT MUCH more relieved when I finally got everything sent out. Hooray! Thank you notes? Check. Christmas cards? Check check! Wahoo! Oh, please note this is NOT our Christmas card - I won't post that until Christmas. :)

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