Thursday, November 7, 2013

Wedding Stress

So, I realized last night that from the naked eye it would appear that our wedding went off without a hitch and life is wonderful and perfect. Sadly, that is not the case. In all honesty, our wedding was fabulous and awesome and I loved every minute of it, but the few days leading up to the wedding were full of stress, stress, and more stress.
It started on Thursday pretty much as soon as I got off work. The first information I receive? The truck my good friend was driving down that was going to be transporting the wedding arch to the ceremony broke down. OH NO!!!!
Up next? My dear friend Vicki who was coming early to help prep and make all the food missed her flight and ended up driving all night from Utah. Even then she didn't arrive until around 5 p.m. the next day. To say we were a bit stressed was the understatement of the year. OH NO!!!
Oh, and these were all added to the lack of cake, the identity theft, the bogus photo booth place who closed before our wedding, and my neverending illness. Because I'd been sick, there were a lot of things left to do, so thank goodness my girls from BYU came early to help. If it wasn't for them, I'd still be trying to get everything done!

By some miracle, everything worked out. My friend rented a van that helped transport everything. My other friend worked tirelessly when she arrived (we also helped by shucking chickens until 10:30 the night before our wedding) and everything else somehow came together. I don't really know how. Perhaps we were lucky to be hit by all these calamities BEFORE the wedding so by the time it arrived, we were home free. That's what I'm sticking to anyway.

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