Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Rehearsal Dinner

The next surprise on the Friday before the wedding was the beautiful flower arrangement which arrived from my dear friend Brittany who was unable to attend from Indiana.
Aren't they gorgeous? We made sure to include them in the reception because they were too lovely to stay home.
Admittedly, I didn't get a lot of pictures at the rehearsal dinner because everything felt like it was running late and there were a lot of irons in the fire at that time - Keith was picking up his brother from the train station, we were waiting for Vicki (our friend who catered the wedding) to arrive from Utah, we had a ton of last minute shopping and stuff to do, and we were trying to beat the sun going down before we could rehearse. When it did finally go down, the sunset was exquisite - this picture doesn't do it justice at all.
I did get to pose with my sister in the sunset, but, sadly, the sun isn't showing up very well in the pic. Blurgh. The dinner was great, the rehearsal was quick, and before we knew it, everyone was packing stuff to help out in the car and we were off to shuck chickens and help with the food before doing a late night run to Wal-mart. To say we were exhausted was an understatement....Next up, the wedding!

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