Monday, September 9, 2013

Certificate of Annoyance

I really need to print this out and present it to anyone annoying. For example, the guy in the cube next to me who hums all day...or the person at the Comic convention who looks at Keith's picture (from when he was 17), looks at Keith now and says, "I don't see it" (hey, guy, let me see YOUR high school picture and we'll see if you look recognizable). Those are two perfect examples of people who desperately need to receive this award.
But my top prize for the day goes to anyone who corrects my descriptions on Facebook when I list the shows stars I've met have been in. You see, I usually try to add a few shows in there to be nice - they're primarily the things I enjoyed them in and, depending how much time I have to input the information, can range from one to three things. YES, I'M AWARE THEY HAVE OTHER SHOWS, but my middle name is NOT, nor do I need to be corrected and/or told about the other shows. Just comment on the picture if you'd like, but otherwise shut yer traps (sorry, but that's how I feel). Today I woke up to over 20 comments on various pictures about shows I forgot. Again, SHUT YER TRAPS. No one needs to wake up to that nonsense.

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