Sunday, August 4, 2013

Texas Trip

Our Texas trip went really, really well. Keith wowed the audiences with his great wit and sense of humor and everyone loved getting to meet him (as well as our super cool merch!). 
Here we are working our booth in Houston.
Houston had great signs for the screenings - of course I had to get Keith to pose with them.
This was the screen behind Keith during his Q&A.
Keith with the other great sign.
This was the marquee in Austin - how awesome to see his films on it!
Here we are at the Austin airport before we flew home this afternoon. My shirt is the cutest, right? Thanks, Alamo, for the amazing opportunity to fly out and do screenings! We had a blast! Keith even did a FAB article for Influx magazine. Check it out here:

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Thank you again for coming to Houston! You guys (excuse me, Y'ALL) are so sweet and generous. In case you don't remember, you gave me a button as a gift after there was a slight mix up with my purchase. I keep it on my purse, and it always brightens my day.

Thank you for the "Win The Shirt Off Keith Coogan’s Back!" contest, and best of luck to all the contestants!
