Sunday, August 11, 2013

See This: Austenland

I've been hearing about how cute Austenland was since it premiered at Sundance this year. I'm happy to report that all of the high praise I'd heard was well deserved and not over-hyped at all.
Austenland tells the story of Jane, played by Keri Russell, a woman who's been obsessed with Mr. Darcy and all things Austen-related her whole life. She spends her life savings on an "Austenland" place where you get to live the real Austen experience.
The cast was perfect and Jennifer Coolidge stole every single scene she was in.
Keri was adorable as the wide-eyed heroine and you couldn't help but root for her to find love.
The movie had the audience rolling, but it still had the perfect combination of love and drama to add to its charm. It should be in theaters soon - I HIGHLY recommend checking it out. I LOVED this film!

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