Monday, August 5, 2013

Elevator Terror

In the Things I Hate category, the worst part of our weekend in Texas happened on Saturday as we were leaving our hotel for the screenings in Austin. We were going to the theater a bit early to set up our merchandise and, sadly, got trapped in an elevator. 
Now, I've never been trapped in an elevator before and I sincerely hope it never happens again because it was SCARY. We were also trapped with the most annoying girls on earth and just wanted to get to the show.
Keith tried to pry the elevator doors open (much to the chagrin of a mouthy girl we were trapped with) and realized we were stuck between the lobby and the second floor. In fact, the workers could get a guy into our elevator; but they wouldn't let us leave.
I thought I'd be OK in that situation, but it turns out I wasn't. By the end I was about to have a full-fledged panic attack.
Thankfully I was able to keep it together until we were finally sprung.
The most frustrating part was that they wouldn't let us off the elevator in case it started running and we ended up jumping in a hole and falling to our death. NOT reassuring in any way, shape, or form. At least we got a free breakfast from it.

1 comment:

Tracie said...

Feeling your pain there. I was stuck once with 26 other people between the 4th and 5th floors in a hotel elevator. They pried the doors open and lifted us all up one by one to the 5th floor. Needless to say, elevators have made me nervous ever since. And I still get claustrophobic.