Thursday, May 2, 2013

Big Changes Ahead

It's been quite a week! It started off with having my relationship status change for the first time ever on Facebook - sadly, it didn't show up on my page (only Keith's), so Lindsay took a screenshot of Keith's page and posted it on mine. Too cute!
Obviously, I'm a little biased, but I just love looking at our pics so much. Wait. I'm getting off track....
After successfully meeting my dad on Tuesday (and asking for my hand....), Keith got to meet my sister's family yesterday. My nephew Max presented us with this picture of us he made. Isn't it the sweetest?
Afterwards, we celebrated to some big news I heard at work, as well as other exciting things in the works...(she says, vaguely...)
Oh, did I mention that Kenny Crandell Keith cooked us dinner last night AFTER serenading me with the guitar? Yep, that did it. I'm in love.

1 comment:

Just Becks said...

Of course I read this when it's almost midnight and I can't text you to ask you what's up... I want to know the other news!! ;)