Monday, April 1, 2013

Wayne's World Reunion? Yes, Please!

There are very few things in this world I love more than Wayne's World - in fact, if you'd seen my dorm room, you'd know that I was totally and completely obsessed with the film. 
After I met Dana Carvey (aka Garth), I thought I'd simply burst with excitement and high up on my list of people I'd like to meet is Mike Myers (aka Wayne).
So, imagine my delight to learn that there'll be a Wayne's World Reunion in honor of the film's 21st birthday in a few weeks. Tickets went on sale at 10 a.m. today and you better believe I was purchasing my tickets (they were a whopping $5) at 10:01 a.m. I'm SO stoked! Now I just need to start working on a sign to get Mike's attention. :)

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