Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wayne's World Reunion - Party Time! Excellent!

Last night I went with some friends to the Academy anniversary screening of Wayne's World in honor of the film's 21st birthday (yes, we're that old). 
While it was a bit of a chore getting over there in traffic after getting out of work late, we finally made it over (and had great seats thanks to Scotty and Billy for saving them). 
Before the film was shown, they introduced a bunch of cast members in the audience...
and then brought up the "main stars" - Dana Carvey, Mike Myers....
and the impossibly good looking Rob Lowe who never ages and looks tremendous.
The panel was brilliantly funny (why wouldn't it be?) and the film totally held up. I loved it! Then again, I've always loved it. Time isn't going to take that away from me.
After the panel I held up my little sign for Mike and he happily posed with me. Adam took this picture of me getting my picture with Mike (make sense?).
The pic, sadly, is a smidge blurry, but, hey, I'll take it. Mike Myers is someone I've always wanted to meet and he's the last of my "SNL Bucket List" I've wanted to get a picture with, so SCORE!
After the film we went and ate at FatBurget.
Then we stayed with the cute engaged couple Clarissa and Seth. A fun night was had by all!

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