Monday, April 8, 2013

Twilight: Part Two - Not As Horrible As Part One

This weekend we finally got around to watching the second part of the final Twilight movie - Breaking Dawn Part 2 and, thankfully, it wasn't quite as horrible as Part One.
Here are my thoughts -
Kristen looked surprisingly good as a vampire. It suited her.
This CGI baby was terrifying. It was the scariest thing about the movie.
Essentially, they took this face...
and projected it onto an innocent child. Most times the face didn't even align properly. CGI FAIL. You'd think with all their money they could've paid someone to get that right.
Jacob imprinting on Bella's child? Shudder.
Although every time wolf  Jacob got mad, I had fun yelling at the screen.
Lee Pace was a nice addition. Anytime I can see Lee Pace in anything is a good day (along those lines, bring back  Pushing Daisies!).
Poor Dakota Fanning. She had such a nothing part. Why was she even in it? I think she had maybe one line the entire film. Bless her heart.

Overall, I didn't love it by any means, but I didn't hate it as much as I despised Part One. So, there's that.

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