Monday, April 15, 2013

Post Office FAIL

So, back in February I sent out some Valentines in honor of Pink Day. Now, I wasn't last minute by any means - I was at the Post Office at least by February 4th. 
And when I say I sent out some Valentines, I mean like 50. It was ridiculous (what can I say? I love me some Pink Day).  
Here's my question: How exactly does the Post Office determine when they're going to mail something? Do they put it in a pile and then pick things out while wearing a blindfold? And then whatever they pick goes out that day? Because my friend Mikey (who lives in North Hollywood, about ten miles away from where I mailed it), just received his Valentine ON SATURDAY, APRIL 13TH. Um, why does it take TWO MONTHS for something to go ten miles?!?!
It seemed to be the case with all my friends in California - they had major trouble getting any of the stuff I sent, while people in other states got it no problem. WHAT IS GOING ON!?!? I really don't understand. It's far too much to mail anything anyway; at the very least they could shoot for delivering it within a freaking month. Gah!

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