Thursday, April 11, 2013

Pinky's Fandance - Tom Cruise

Yes, the unthinkable happened....I finally met the man I commonly refer to as "TC" in the flesh at his movie premiere yesterday. I know what you're thinking, "Um, WTF?!?!" I know the feeling.
First things first: I forgot to wave! In the major "crush" of the people in the background, I totally forgot my big plan. Blurgh. It really would have been magical if I'd waved. But, to tell you the truth, I was a bit starstruck. Go figure, right? 
Second of all, I got an autograph! Sure, it's itty bitty, but I thought I'd frame it along with our pic. It's kind of a cool signature, right? And, despite his less-than-ideal outfit, he really was amazing to see in person - and especially to see his whole "team" in action. Tom is a machine - he will sign and greet fans until the cows come home. He goes above and beyond and is incredible at making you feel special. He even told me he liked my hair! Even bigger bonus? The pic below is from a website called I was so excited to be on it!
Finally, I know people are asking why I'd get TC after all my trash talk over the years. Here's the thing you have to understand: I don't hate TC. And if I really did, I wouldn't EVER post a picture of him on my site. There are plenty of "celebs" (I use that term loosely) who, I feel, get too much publicity for doing nothing and I won't support anything they do. Heck, I won't even mock their horrible outfits on my site because I don't want to promote them in any way (hence my not even naming them right now). I may pick on Tom for his waving or Jessica for her hand on her belly, but it's all in good fun. Despite it all (the couch jumping, the Katie years, the religious stuff), he's still the guy who won us over in the classics like Top Gun, Cocktail, and Rainman just to name a few. His iconic status doesn't stop because I may not understand his life choices. Heck, if I sat down with him, maybe we'd be friends, who knows. All in all, I was extremely impressed with TC (but that doesn't mean I'm going to ease up on the wave thing anytime soon). 

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