Friday, April 12, 2013

Pinky's Fandance - Morgan Freeman

I'm so excited about getting a picture with Morgan Freeman it's ridiculous. And I LOVE that he's wearing a tux. Nice of him to dress up for our pic!
Apparently Morgan never does pics or autographs, so this was kind of a BIG thing. I was just asking figuring I had nothing to lose - I never really think he'd do it! When he got up to me, he asked, "Do you love me?" I was like, "Of course!" Who doesn't love Morgan Freeman?
I love this pic taken by a photographer of our picture from far away. Too fun!
This one makes me laugh - he's walking away and I'm feverishly checking my camera to be sure the picture worked. I was so stunned it happened, that I said, "I just got a picture with Morgan Freeman!" as he was walking away from me. I couldn't believe it was true! Stoked. Plus, Mikey's face in all the pics (he's to the left of me looking all grumpy) makes me giggle every time.

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