Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Pinky's Fandance - Julia Sweeney

As we all know, I'm a die-hard lover of all things related to SNL. Julia Sweeney was lucky enough to be on the show in its heyday - she starred next to a few of the real greats: Phil Hartman, Dana Carvey, Mike Myers, Kevin Nealon, and Dennis Miller (just to name a few). In fact, she starred in one of my favorite skits ever with my beloved Nic Cage about a couple trying to name their unborn child ("it's Os-weeep-ay!"). 
Of course, Julia wasn't too shabby herself - she was fantastic as Julia Childs and, of course, her iconic character "Pat" (I was dying to ask her to finally reveal Pat's gender! I wonder if she would've told me??). Lindsay and I were stoked to meet Julia on her way to her book signing yesterday (her new book is called, "If It's Not One Thing, It's Your Mother" - great title!). Julia was very nice and seemed genuinely happy to pose with us. She loved my camera! Obviously she has good taste.

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