Monday, April 1, 2013

Pinky's Fandance - Eddie Van Halen

Years ago, when I first got my picture with Valerie Bertinelli, I remember thinking that as cool as it was to meet her, it'd be even more amazing to meet her (now ex) husband, Eddie Van Halen. Well, it took a little while, but finally I got to meet the man himself. 
Even now, all I can think of when I see Eddie Van Halen is the "Jump" video that Van Halen did. All that jumping around....weren't they just the coolest things ever? I'd probably be unable to speak if I ever met David Lee Roth because back in the day he was just the epitome of cool...well, they all were. Not a fan of the most recent incarnation of the band - more of a purest - but back in the day, they were just awesome. Eddie is super nice. Loved him.

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