Saturday, April 6, 2013

Pinky's Fandance - Ben Savage

One of our first days at Sundance this year we came across Ben Savage eating in the same restaurant we were. As a rule we don't like to bother anyone eating, but he'd just sat down and was just waiting for his food, so we took a shot. Sure enough, Ben Savage was SO freaking nice. Now, I'd met him before late one night in Hollywood, so I remembered that he was nice, but Heidi and Hiba had never met him so they were stoked. 
Later that day, we saw him on Main Street with a hoodie covering his face (trying to go incognito?) and I teased him that he was in hiding. I'm not sure he liked me "outing him" like that (maybe he really was hiding?). Still, it was fun to see him - especially since Boy Meets World is about to come back in spades with a show called Girl Meets World about Cory and Topanga's daughter. Awesome!

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