Monday, April 22, 2013

Hollywood Show Wrap Up Pics

Had to post a million few fun pics from the Hollywood Show this weekend.
It's nice to see that I don't come across completely and totally like someone crushing on Coogan. Oh, wait...
My cute boys Mikey (from and Scotty came by, as well. I always love to see my boys!
Mikey took this pic for his site as we worked Keith's booth. So fun!
This is a shot of the booth from across the room as Scotty stayed and chatted with us for awhile.
Jeremy Miller (aka Ben Seaver from Growing Pains) and his longtime love, Joanie, had the table right next to Keith's. They are awesome.
Keith loves making different faces in pictures. I think this might be his rollercoaster face (?). Trust me, it's much better than the "serious" face he was rocking in people's pics during the day. I had to make him take more where he smiled (I'm such a slave driver). :) 
Of course I had to get some shots of Keith rocking his new scarf I made. Doesn't he look awesome in it?
And once more without the glasses...
I was trying to get the scarf wrapped around me, as well. Man, I'm a cheeseball... 
Best part of the day? Checking out Keith's grandfather's star. I was so touched that he wanted to bring me there.
All in all it was an amazing weekend and I had such a fantastic time at the show.

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