Saturday, April 6, 2013

Hit The Road, Tooth

So, I finally caved into my toothache and went to see a dentist yesterday. Let me tell you: That. Was. Torture. Now, maybe I'm just incredibly naive because I've always had pretty good teeth, very few cavities, and I've NEVER had to go to the dentist with an aching tooth. I always went for my six month check-ups, but never anything bad. Never had a root canal. Never had anything bad done. That is, until now. 
Here I was thinking that if they had to take it out, it'd be this simple little extraction - reach in, grab the tooth, all done. HA! What a joke. Since it was going to be well over $2,000 to try and save my damaged tooth, I said to pull it. Easy peasy, right? Wrong. Hours later it was pieces. Yep, the damn thing broke while he was trying to get it out. Initially I thought it'd be fun to keep it (for the tooth fairy, you know - What? I can't still believe) just to see how nasty it was (yes, I'm demented). But, that was not to be. My tooth gave up a huge fight to come up (last molar in my upper jaw - tooth #15 to be exact. Yes, I'm a dentist now. I'm fancy) and took the poor dentist pulling and yanking and drilling forever to finally get all the pieces out. It. Was. Hell. The worst thing ever. Note the swollen face afterwards. I'm still heavily medicated, but I'm also in a lot of pain. Boo!

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