Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Greg Behrendt RULES

Lest I end up an old, tired, broken down spinster (oh, who are we kidding? I'm probably going to end up like that anyway), oftentimes I'll read one of those dreaded "self-help" books to enlighten me on what I'm doing wrong.
I'll admit to not being a big fan of these books - as, in general, I don't think they'll do much unless one is ready to hear the message. However, there was one book which really spoke to me...so much so that I've read it time and time again...
That book? "He's Just Not That Into You" by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo. I LOVE it. Seriously, it's one of my favorite books. Granted, I haven't re-read it in quite awhile (as evidenced by my horrid, weak, and silly behavior with Crush), but I really, really need to. Like, I'm about to buy the audio book and force myself to listen to it in my car. That's how desperately I need to hear the message right now.
I know I say I've wanted to meet someone forever all the time, but in the case of Greg Behrendt, my attempts to meet him were starting to border on ridiculous. I've missed his comedy shows for one reason or the next, I've stood outside comedy clubs waiting for him to arrive, and I've bought tickets to shows that were, sadly, cancelled. FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY I was able to meet him last night. And what did he write in my book? His catchphrase, of course. "Don't waste the pretty!"
I adore this man. I love his wit, his humor, his talent, and his kindness. I loved his talk show, and I'm in awe of his strength. I was thrilled to finally meet him and can finally cross him off my "Celebrity Bucket List" (don't mock me, but I totally have one).

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