Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Everyday Blues

And so it is, as I do every few months, when I decree a "BACK TO BASICS" time for Pinky Lovejoy. No more stupid boys to distract me, no more time spent worrying about what they said or what their texts meant, no more time invested on anything having to do with the male species. They are dumb. I hate them. 
Last night I received what could be considered the most obnoxious text on earth from someone I've been seeing. Disguised as a "thank you text," in truth it was a "you know I have a girlfriend text." Um, NO...actually, I didn't. If I did, I sure as heck wouldn't be spending time with you. GAH! Why am I such a fool? Why do I fall for these buffoons? I really need to turn off my phone, hide in a corner, and forget them all. MEN SUCK. The end.

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