Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A Quest For The Perfect Scent

Once upon a time I found the perfect lotion. It was light, didn't give me a headache, smelled fresh and crisp, and, best of all, had glitter in it. Despite buying every possible bottle across several states, I'm afraid that my large supply is, sadly, coming to an end. Yes, that's right, after several years of a supply, I'm afraid my Hello Sugar is almost gone. So, the search has started for its replacement in my life.
Yesterday I went to Bath and Body Works to begin the search. I saw my old friend Sweet Pea....the scent I wore so much of at one time that I'm afraid I can never, ever wear it again (similarly, I can no longer wear Vanilla Bean Noel - another longtime favorite).  
Also an old fave? Warm Vanilla Sugar, which I loved up until an old boyfriend remarked that it smelled like Play-dough; he was right. It DOES smell like Play-dough. Now that's all I smell (and I probably still have old bottles of it at home that are completely wasted).   
My first selection? Some new scent called Honey Sweetheart. So far I'm not sold on it. I bought the body cream and tried it this morning. Not impressed. Will probably take it back.
Next selection? Something called Secret Wonderland. Eh. Not sure how it'll be.
Now, I loved the idea of the Berry Flirt, but ended up getting the bath gel instead. The lotion smelled like it would bother me and cause instant headache (I'm telling you, I'm very particular about the scents I wear, as only certain ones won't bring on a migraine). 
The one thing all these selections are lacking? Glitter. Now they do have some glitter options, but they're in the "classic" (read: all the scents I've overworn already) scents. Fail. So, the only glitter I could get was this Berry Flirt glitter spray. It's probably going back, too. Hell, I'm pretty sure my entire purchase is being taken back at this point. Boo.
Why's this, you ask? Because none of these freaking lotions are my beloved Hello Sugar! Why, oh why, was this discontinued? I love it so. Can't I somehow make it at home myself? Can I mix up some ingredients and throw in some glitter? Pretty please?

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