Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Fall

The good news? I was finally able to attend the John Varvatos Stuart House benefit this weekend which I've been wanting to go to for years (but you have to be invited). Even better? This year's honorary co-hosts were Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner. WIN.
The bad news? In an effort to catch up to the co-hosts before they left, we were walking briskly through the event when my foot went into some crevice (of course it was the one day of the year I wore any sort of a heel) and I went DOWN. Like, not just a little bit. I went DOWN like a falling Oak tree. 
Unfortunately, Ben didn't know this had happened, so he was unable to rush back and save me (which I'm sure he would've if he could *cough cough*). I mean, we're tight like that, remember? 
Sadly, I've been recovering from the fall all week and even worse was that we never caught up to Ben. I was hoping he could sign our awesome photo opp! :( FAIL.

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