Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Positively Pinky

OK, I'll admit it - sometimes in *rare* instances (she says, sarcastically) I can be kinda, sorta, a little bit on the negative side. And, of course, by that I mean I'm almost always on the negative side - at least when it comes to things in my own life. With anyone else's life and circumstances I can usually "bright side" it for them, but when I'm looking at myself, I tend to be a bit more harsh.
I don't know why that is. I don't think I'm really that negative of a person. I want to be nice and perky and positive. I want to be peppy and happy and sweet. But, usually, I'm just snarky. Way more snarky than anyone should be. I know I should just be able to "be happy" and it'll magically just happen, but that doesn't always seem to work out for me. Sigh. Maybe it's baby steps? Maybe I just start with changing my attitude about one small thing and then other things will start to materialize? It could happen, right?

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