Sunday, March 24, 2013

Pinky's Fandance - Wil Wheaton

Here's why I shouldn't open my mouth sometimes - when I saw Wil Wheaton the other day, I totally thought I knew him. Granted, I knew it was Wil Wheaton, but because I see all of his tweets, I apparently think I know him. So, when he walked into a brewery the other night, but response was, "Wil!" like I was seeing someone I hadn't seen in a trillion years. Yep, he thought I was crazy.
Thankfully I was able to explain myself a bit and still managed to get a picture with him (he was probably just trying to get away from me as quickly as I could). Did I mention he was in a movie with Keith Coogan (am I just looking for reasons to bring up Keith Coogan now? Pathetic). Lucky guy.

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