Monday, March 4, 2013

Pinky's Fandance - Alice Cooper

It kind of cracks me up that Alice Cooper - you know, the headbanging rocker Alice Cooper - is such an avid golfer. Also of note? He's kind of a sweetheart. As we were hanging out at the golf course the other day and I was working on the baby blanket, he stopped his golf cart to see "what the story was" with my crochet. I was like, "Huh?" I explained that I don't like sitting still and prefer to be working on something.
I showed him the part of the blanket that was complete and he asked if I could make him a bullet proof vest. I told him I'd be seeing him next week at a different event (that I know he attends every year) and said I could whip him up something for then. Wouldn't that be hysterical if Alice Cooper was rocking a custom Pinky crocheted item?

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