Wednesday, March 27, 2013

My Twitter Boyfriend

Last night I was calmly eating dinner, minding my business, and watching TV when suddenly I got a notification on my phone that my true love / my big crush / my future boyfriend the adorable Keith Coogan had mentioned me on Twitter. OK, that was cool. I always love hearing from what my friend calls my "Twitter Boyfriend" so that will always brighten my day. But, this was not a normal mention. No, not normal at all. In fact, this was far more than the usual tweet. This. Was. Epic. I mean, LOOK! Just look at it! 
Not only did he link to an article about him on my website (where I *may* or *may not* have professed my cyber love for him) to all his 4,000 + followers, but he wrote "Pinky Lovejoy is hot!" and then the clincher (and, let's face it, my favorite part): "@pinkylovejoy + @keithcoogan" (which is essentially the cyber version of carving our initials into a tree, just in case you didn't know). 
Yep, you guessed it: My head exploded! If that weren't enough, when I logged into Facebook, he'd posted the same thing there AND even tagged me in the post! Holy Holy! I can't be sure, but I think he just asked me to go steady. Or he proposed. I'm not certain. Either way, my heart beats for Keith Coogan (which, really, is no surprise at all to anyone who knows me - especially considering that this picture has been firmly next to my desk since we met).