Monday, March 25, 2013

Crisis Averted

While I could do an entire post on why the inside of my car looks like I live in it (because I practically do), today we're actually going to talk about how I narrowly avoided blowing up my engine. Again. Although, to be fair, I haven't blown up an engine in a very long time. So, that's something, right? 
We all know I drive a lot. Like, more than a lot. A LOT. Because of this, I usually have to change my oil A LOT. Well, I haven't had to change it in awhile because I try to follow the rules and go by what the little sticker in my car says - if it says I'm close to the standard 1500 miles, I'll go in. Well, I think last time they made a mistake on my mileage because it hasn't said I've needed to go in in a really long time. And I drove to Utah and back in January...and still my oil said it didn't need to be changed. I was just starting to worry about it when the oil light started coming on the other day when I was driving to my brother's house. I had his father-in-law take a look at it (thanks again!) and I'm so glad I did because when the "oil stick" (probably not the technical term) came up, it was bone dry. We had to put in like three quarts of oil! Sheesh. Sounds like I avoided a crisis, huh? Ugh!

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