Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Buy This Now: Depeche Mode's Delta Machine

While I realize I'm probably completely biased because Depeche Mode is my second favorite band of all time, it doesn't make what I'm about to say any less true: You need to go out and buy the new Depeche Mode CD, "Delta Machine," RIGHT NOW. Seriously. If you like Depeche Mode (and, really, who doesn't?), then you owe it to yourself to buy this album.
Depeche Mode hasn't had any new music since the release of "Playing the Angel" in 2005 and let me tell you, they've hit a homerun with "Delta Machine." I haven't liked an album of theirs this much since I don't even know when. I've been listening to it constantly all morning and have yet to hear a song I don't like. It's the perfect combination of great lyrics, catchy tunes, and the amazing synth sound they're known for.
Of course, Dave Gahan's voice is always perfection - almost rivaling Robert Smith as the most amazing voice in music (although Robert will always win in my book, as his voice is my personal "oratory Prozac" and can calm me down from any less-than-perfect mood). 
There's just something inherently cool about Depeche Mode. They are forever young, forever hip, and always re-inventing new and invigorating sounds. I love them. Buy this album! You can thank me later.

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