Sunday, March 24, 2013

Ava's Birthday Party

Yesterday I took Phoenix and Max with me to their cousin Ava's birthday party down South.
A little collage of my fave pics with the birthday girl.
Max, Auntie, and Phoenix.
Owen and Auntie.
Ava took this picture of me with my camera.
Baby James and Auntie.
Phoenix and Ava - cute cousins.
Max and Owen - sweet cousins.
Too cute!
Me and my brother, Jay.
Jay's wife (and my sister-in-law) Vauri and the birthday girl.
Phoenix and Max with their Uncle Jay.
Vauri and her oldest son, Owen.

It was a long and fun day! Best part of the day? Driving home, Max said, "You're a good Auntie." Too sweet!

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