Sunday, February 3, 2013

Yep, I Did It Again

You know, if there were some sort of award for the most times someone has put their foot in their mouth or just generally said something so ridiculously stupid, I'm pretty sure I'd be receiving every accolade out there. I happen to be excellent at screwing up.
Case in point: The other day I was talking to Crush about hanging out sometime soon now that we're both back from our trips. He said we can totally hang out this week and have Snack Wars. My reply, "Yay because I haven't had it in awhile." What I MEANT to say was that I hadn't had any "Crush time" lately, not that I haven't had any, well, you know, lately (because that's, frankly, no one's business but mine). 
To make things worse, as Crush is super into "That's what she said" jokes right now, I followed up my faux pas with, "That's what she said because that IS what she said!" Wow. I should go on the road with this act, right? *groan* 

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