Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Thanks For Nothing, Billy Joel

The other day as I was hanging out with my girl, Lindsay, from www.iamnotastalker.com, we just happened to stumble upon the one and only Billy Joel sitting in a lobby of a hotel having a drink. What are the odds?!?!! As he was drinking with a friend, I didn't want to interrupt him, but then he stood up to move tables (which everyone knows is totally fair game). So, I took my shot. I mean, how often do I get a chance to see Billy Joel?!?!  
Here's the thing - I'd scoped out our surroundings before I went up to him. There were a multitude of people hanging out, taking pics, enjoying each other....none of them, I might add, paying any attention to the fact that Billy Joel was sitting in their midst. Just me. So, I went up and asked if there was any possible way I could get a picture with him. He gave me some bullshit excuse about not wanting to draw attention to himself. I told him I understood, but I was such a huge fan and loved everything he's ever done. And this is the part that bothers me - As I was telling him what a huge fan I was, he gestured with his hand like, "Yeah yeah yeah" as though he's heard it all before and who really cares. And, I'm sure he has. It's freaking Billy Joel. But that doesn't mean he can minimize my love for him, right? I mean, he made me feel like an asshole. I suggested we step into an alcove around the corner where no one would see and he said no, he was in a meeting, but I could SHAKE HIS HAND. Um, WHAT?!?! Why didn't he just punch me in the face? Because that's what it felt like. I seriously almost started crying. Sure, he doesn't owe me anything; he was on his personal time. He didn't have to take a picture with me. It was just his dicky behavior that I didn't appreciate. So, thanks for nothing, Billy Joel. You've lost a fan here.

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