Sunday, February 3, 2013

Pinky's Fandance - Liane Curtis

Anyone who has seen Sixteen Candles (and if you haven't, what are you waiting for?!?!!) will know who Liane Curtis is. Sure, you might not know her by her real name, but you'd definitely know her by her character - Molly Ringwald's sarcastic best friend, Randy.
Every time I see this film (which is, approximately 348 times) I notice something new. I recently watched it again and wondered whatever happened to the best friend in real life since I loved her sarcasm and tone. She was the perfect best friend for evil Molly (oops, did I say that out loud?).
When I found out she'd be at the new LA Celebrity show, I jumped at the chance to meet her. As luck would have it, we hit it off right away. Like, seriously hit it off. We're already Facebook friends and we're planning a road trip to Pennsylvania to find Jake Ryan once and for all. This is real. We were instant besties.
To illustrate how BFFs we are, she took this picture with HER camera - see, besties. She shared the funniest stories - how Molly really was back in the day, as well as some choice moments about Anthony Michael Hall. She's amazing!
Obviously, she has excellent taste in friends. Here she is with the equally adorable Keith Coogan (but we'll talk more about him and his charm later). So stoked to meet her!

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