Monday, February 25, 2013

Pinky's Fandance - Leslie Bibb

You may or may not recall how Leslie Bibb became my nemesis after our Twitter war when she stiffed the few fans waiting for her at a talk show. It was super confusing at the time because I'd heard she was really nice, so the online name calling (essentially she called me a "douche") seemed out of character.
The other day we happened to run into Leslie after the Spirit Awards and I have to say she wasn't just nice, she was like "braid your hair" nice. Of course, when she asked me my name I chickened out and said, "Kristen" instead of "Pinky." I just couldn't reveal my Twitter identity - she was being so nice! I know, I'm a wuss. But look - she even took the picture herself! Fine, Leslie, you are no longer my nemesis. I forgive you.

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