Friday, February 1, 2013

Pinky's Fandance - Josh Peck

One of my favorite Sundance movies was called The Wackness and it starred Josh Peck. I loved this movie and couldn't wait to meet the stars. Sadly, when I went to the screening, I went with one of my friends who isn't really into celebs and didn't want to wait around after to meet Josh (despite the fact that Josh was standing on the stage and happily posing with everyone). I'd hoped to see him around the Festival, but alas, it never happened.
Further confirming my " they'll be around" celebrity theory, I randomly saw Josh Peck at Costco the other day when I ran over at lunch. Yes, Costco. SCORE! Josh was SO nice and I'm so happy I finally got to meet him and tell him how much I loved his film!

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