Monday, February 25, 2013

Oscar Recap - Part 1

While I didn't really live tweet the Oscars (OK, I started to halfway through because things were just too funny not to tweet out), I did have a few random thoughts after the big hoopla is over. 
Why was JT even there? Why was he wearing his "big hair wig?" Doesn't he have enough money to class it up and buy some real hair?
Hey Sandra - Don't ever make this face again.
Hey Anne - The world collectively groaned when you cheesed out with your stomach churning, "It came true" comment. I wish you hadn't won.
This made me laugh out loud hysterically for a long time. But, then again, I'm a child and always laugh when people fall (I know it's rude, I just can't help it).
HOLY HELL that boy is FINE. I'm SO happy he won!
As much as I love Ben, I love how much Jen loves him and how sweet they are together.
Oh, Bradley. You should never have worn your hair like that. It was atrocious. I say this with love...

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