Thursday, February 7, 2013

One Week Until Pink Day

As you're probably aware, Valentine's Day is my FAVORITE holiday ever. No, not because of all that love garbage (I spit on love! I spit on it, I say!), but because it's pretty much the only holiday where everything is predominantly PINK. Sure, Easter's got some pastels, but it's the entire range of pastels. Valentine's, however, has only PINK and red. But I choose to only see the pink. Well, that's not really new. I choose to see only the pink in every situation....
This morning my boss asked me what it was about the color pink that I loved so much. I said it just makes me happy. He countered with the fact that he's seen me be less-than-happy while still being surrounded by the color, which is probably true. But, it doesn't change the fact that the color soothes me, brings a smile to my face, and always draws me in. Why wouldn't I celebrate pink day? Long story short, I *may* or *may not* have gone totally Valentine's crazy this year (read: I totally lost my pink shizz). Even my team at work is going to get to behold the amazing holiday that is PINK day. I'm sure my primarily male team is going to LOVE it. Love it, I say. Love it!

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