Sunday, February 10, 2013

Nobody Likes Me, Everybody Hates Me...

I don't know what's going on with me right now, but I'm just sad. Chalk it up to feeling excluded, unloved, what have you, but I feel like the last kid getting picked on the schoolyard.
So, I found out that two of my good friends from high school had a big party for their 40th last night. Over the past few weeks, three different people have asked me if I was going, but as far as I know, I wasn't invited. So, I didn't go. Now, I'm sure I could've gone; I'm sure I could've called up either person and said, "WTF - why wasn't I invited?" but should I really have to? That's not the way I want to be invited somewhere.
Last night on FB I saw all these people talking about it and a list of all the people who went. And I was suddenly the least popular person in the world with no friends that no one likes. Yes, of course I know that's not true. I'm incredibly lucky for all the amazing people and experiences in my life. But this hurt my feelings - especially coupled with Crush being a dumb boy and not wanting to hang out with me. I really need to stop liking that boy. It's really getting ridiculous now. I'm sure in time I'll be fine. But right now I'm just sad.

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