Sunday, February 3, 2013

Keith Coogan is HOT

So, apparently I've been crushing on the wrong person all these years. No offense to my true love, Ricky Schroder, but when I finally met him, there wasn't an ounce of energy in the air between us like there was when I met Keith Coogan (from such iconic films as Adventures in Babysitting and Don't Tell Mom The Babysitter's Dead). 
I'm not even kidding you when I say that the spark between us could've lit up electricity. Literally.
Within five minutes of meeting he was asking me if we were going to make out. My reply, "Are you going to charge me?" :) Oooh. I'm such a comedian.
Of course, the more I talked with him, the more I wanted to. The coolest thing was that he let me break my "interview cherry" and finally get my very first celebrity interview done and under my belt. Hooray! For a long time I've had this idea of interviewing people on my iPhone and Keith helped me finally do it. After Keith, I was able to interview both Jeremy Licht (from The Hogan Family) and Liane Curtis (from Sixteen Candles). When we figure out how we're going to run these on, I'll let you know.
In the meantime, here are some screenshots from our interview. Yes, I know, I'm telling you, we're in love.
I mean, I'm not sure Keith is aware of it yet, but that's pretty typical, right? The girl always knows first. :)
We had so much fun. I love meeting people who make you feel so comfortable and that you've known them forever (or want to....wait, what?!). Man, I am not playing this very cool. Calm down, Pinky, cool your jets.
In true Coogan fashion (I don't even know what that means, but I liked the sound of it), Keith posted this on my FB last night. Yep, I'm telling you, we're in love.

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