Monday, February 4, 2013

Judd Hirsch LIES

The other day I had one of the most unpleasant experiences I've ever had with a celebrity (and that's saying something, considering Samuel L. Jackson made me cry). I was waiting for the amazingly nice and kind Tom Cavanaugh (who just happens to be in a play with Judd Hirsch) when Judd Hirsch pulled up his car. 
Now, I'm not so crazy about Judd that I'm in a fan club or anything, but I did enjoy his work on Taxi. I don't remember if I ever saw Dear John, but I'm sure he did a fine job. And, since he was there, we figured why not ask him for a picture?
Here's the thing - he looks like he'd be surly. And, apparently, in this case, those looks are 100% correct. Still, my friend who was with me had previously asked Judd for an autograph and said he was super nice. Huh. So, we thought it was OK to approach him for a picture. Apparently, we thought wrong.
When we asked for a picture, he replied with, "NO, I never do pictures. EVER!" Um, what now? What kind of actor NEVER does pictures? He seriously said it in such a fashion that we all figured he had to be joking. Plus, adding the EVER on the end of the sentence was like a slap on the face.
Sadly, he wasn't joking. He was 100% serious. Also, he lied. As you can see from this small section of photos I found in five seconds searching online, Judd is obviously well versed in posing for the camera. He doesn't belong to some religion that prevents him from having his photo taken because he fears it will steal his soul. He's just a jerk. And a liar.
Now, of course, he doesn't owe me anything. He had every right to say no to my picture request. Whatever. I'm not going to die either way. It was just the way he said it....the things he said....that made my blood boil. I  hope he knows that he's lost a fan for good. I will never support anything he does ever again. Not that he cares.

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