Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy PINK Day!

Well, Happy PINK Day! Welcome to my favorite holiday of the year. The only day we get to celebrate the beauty that is pink. And hearts. Whatever. We don't have to talk about the love part...let's just stick with the glorious pink.
This morning at the gas station, I saw this water splash on the ground in the perfect shape of a heart. Coincidence? I think not.
Of course I had to jazz it up a bit.
As I was playing Scrabble (as I do constantly all day every day whenever I have a free second because I'm a total word nerd), I earned 14 points (on February 14th, thankyouverymuch) by using the word L-O-V-E. Coincidence? I think not.
My boss brought in heart-shaped pink cookies. YUM.
And a co-worker surprised me with a heart-shaped donut. YUM.

Happy PINK Day to all! :)

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