Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Finding One's Crew

I think the best thing about being out here - aside from my job, nearness to my family, and access to a lot more celebrity events - would have to be the amazing friends I've been able to meet.
When I first got here, I wasn't sure who to trust, who to talk to, or what was going on, but as time's gone by, I've learned who I can depend on and who I want to "go to battle" with (which it feels like we're doing sometimes!). 
There's an entire "underground community" of fans who share this hobby with us and sometimes it's hard to know who's only in it for themselves. I'm happy to report that my group of friends is solid and I'm so glad they're here!
Let's toast to friends near and far and thank the celebrity gods who brought us all together. Hooray!

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