Sunday, February 17, 2013

Experience, Strength, & Hope Award

As I mentioned earlier, Friday night marked a fun night out at an event where Duran Duran's John Taylor was being honored with an Experience, Strength, and Hope award. 
I wasn't sure what to expect, but thankfully the event was very low-key. In fact, I was able to get pictures with practically every celebrity in attendance...except Robert Downey, Jr. (who "wasn't doing pictures" that night...whatever the hell that means). Oh wait - he DID do pics, just not with fans. Ouch.
See, this is why I don't like other people taking my pics...they always turn out blurry!
This, however, was super cool. I was stoked to see my friend Krista (a fellow Duranie) take this picture from across the room. So fun!
Getting my picture means I now have a FULL HOUSE! So excited!!!

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