Monday, February 4, 2013

Deep Thoughts by Pinky Lovejoy

So, I was having a discussion with one of my good friends the other day who just happens to be going through a divorce after over ten years of marriage. She wanted me to assure her that she wasn't leaving an "OK" situation for a future "OK" situation - that there's someone out there who'll be better than her husband was, that will fight for her, who will try. The thing is - I don't know how to promise her that there is. Do I want to be able to say with 1000% certainty that YES there's a special someone made just for you out there? Of course. But, is that realistic? No. 
Who am I to talk anyway? I've been single for over 12 years. In that time I've rarely met anyone who floated my boat and the few that have ended up to be undeserving of my time and affection. I want to believe there's someone who'll be my best friend and companion through life. But, if I don't, won't I still be OK? I want to get to a point in my life when I'm fine either way - while, of course, I'd prefer to find someone to share things with, I don't necessarily require it. My life is great with someone or without. I suppose I'm getting better at believing it; I just don't know how to be completely fine with not looking or caring (especially when I meet someone as sexy as Keith Coogan....oh, no, why is he popping into my head again still?). I know, I know, the romantic in me wants to think that one day my prince will come, but maybe he won't. Depressing, yes. Practical, yes. Am I giving up? Or am I just being realistic and logical? And once you do meet someone, how to do you make it last anyway? I guess that's a discussion for another day....

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