Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Dave Grohl LIES

OK, here's the thing - I don't really care about Dave Grohl in one way or the other. Were it not for the fact that my sister and my Crush are bat-shizz crazy for him, I wouldn't give two shakes about him. I still don't, actually, but since he was at Sundance, I figured it was the least I could do to get his picture and autograph, right?
Here's where it gets tricky. Apparently he was guest hosting Chelsea Lately last week and brought a guy we know from Sundance onto the show as a guest. Now, I don't watch the show, nor will I, but I'm a little shocked by what came to pass. During the show Dave Grohl proved himself to be a big, fat liar because he said that the ONLY picture he took at Sundance was with the guy we know. Hmmm...that's odd. Because there we are - where was that? Oh, right, at SUNDANCE.
And what's this? My friend Heidi posing with Dave "Liar" Grohl on Main Street in Park City? That's right - at SUNDANCE.
Oh, wait. Here he is again - at SUNDANCE - posing with my friend Nicole. Well, that's odd, Dave. Maybe you need a refresher class on what the word ONLY means because you obviously didn't ONLY take one picture at Sundance. In fact, I'm sure there are a slew more, I just don't feel like spending any more of my precious time researching ways to contradict a liar like you. While I still appreciate how nice you were, I don't appreciate being lied about. Shame shame shame.

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