Thursday, February 21, 2013

Celebrity Wrap Up - Saturday Edition

Hello and welcome to Saturday's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.
I love how Lena's just like, "Yeah, so my dress is SUPER yellow - what about it?" It's like she's daring you to hate on it.
Wow, speaking of things I'm hating on...was she on her way to the ice skating Nationals?
Oh, sweetie. I know you've already got a perfect man and don't have to try, but maybe just lose that shirt next time, m'kay?
Nic (I can call her that now that we're besties) doesn't care that you can see through her dress. She's like, "Hey, TC! Look what you're missing out on! Take THAT! Oh, and P.S. - my new hubby doesn't even care that I'm tall!"
If I had access to Jon Hamm whenever I wanted (or at least at awards show stuff), you'd better believe I'd hang all over that hot piece of ass all night long. They'd have to permanently remove me from him.

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